Centaurium UAS

Centaurium UAS is a swiss based civil drone operator, which offers Security-as-a-Service (SECaaS) to customers to conduct certified commercial monitoring, detection, and alert flights in the BVLOS (beyond visual line of sight) long-range area. The UAS100 drone is equipped with high-resolution cameras and sensors which can monitor critical infrastructures and carry out search missions in the public interest.

UASolutions has an extensive experience on SORA applications for operations over people and beyond visual line of sight.

Digisky is an aeronautical consulting company specialised in regulatory strategy and compliance. Digisky provides services to drone operators and manufacturers throughout Europe. Digisky ensures the compliance of drone programmes, manages applications for specific category authorisations (SORA, LUC) and certifies Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for the European market.

ADDRESS Aéropôle 132, 1530 Payerne PHONE NUMBER – EMAIL ADDRESS uav@skyeton.com WEBSITE https://skyeton.com/
Vira Drones

ADDRESS Aéropôle 132, 1530 Payerne PHONE NUMBER – EMAIL ADDRESS info@viradrones.com WEBSITE https://viradrones.com/
Twenty H

“Twenty H excels in the implementation of quality systems 4.0 in the industry or aviation sectors.
Twenty H interprets and transforms, simply and efficiently, regulatory constraints into new business perspectives to assure to its customers sustainable air operations.
Don’t let your fears of compliance stand in the way of your dreams!
Field of expertise
– Manned and Unmanned air operations (e.g. AOC, LUC, …)
– Design and Production organisations (e.g. DOA, POA)
– Training organisations (e.g. ATO, DTO)
– Safety risk assessment (e.g. SORA)
– Independent accident investigation
– Aerodrome operations”
Urartu Systems

“Urartu Systems SA is a manufacturer of high-end test
rigs and control systems. An interdisciplinary bureau with
aerospace skills enables to build benches for complex
objects, taking into account the mathematical modelling
of the unit under test.
We provide our own control systems and implement a
large number of solutions for aero and automotive
Our vast experience in customised design allows us to
create unique test systems with reproducible loads of
high precision.”
Vertical Master

Our trainings on drone uses are based on professional applications that meet the market needs.